Sandy Post to Spot Light R&R NewOptions

Jim Hart from the Sandy Post came out for a visit!
We're hoping for some help to get the word out
about Leslie's new book, our great organization, the
horses we help and the people who volunteer.

Don't forget, all proceeds from the book, riding lessons, pony parties, Belgian wagon rides and t-shirts go to care for our rescued horses!

Helping Another Horse Rescue!

A woman with 8 rescues comes to R&R for help.
Aunt Les donates hay and wormer to help.


Aunt Les and Cougar on a Trail Ride!

The only one in McIver Park without a saddle!

Special Holiday Deal!

For the Horse Lovers on your list...purchase 4 riding lesson gift certificates ($25 each) and receive a free, autographed copy of Leslie's book "It doesn't have to be so hard- Understanding your horse."  Easy to read, easy to understand.  Fun stories that help illustrate some common problems that riders and horses face and some solutions.

We are currently working on arranging a Horse Clinic, May 12, 2012.  We started taking names of interested parties as well as potential vendors at the book signing at Burns Feed Store.  The first 25 people to send an email with their name will receive "FREE" admission.  The next 25 will receive $5 off admission ($10 admission).  Leslie has 30 years of experience working with and training horses using "New Options."  Training with kindness, no bits, spurs or tie downs.         We break the rules, not the horse!   (

Thanks Burns Feed Store! The Book Signing Was Great!

Photo's from the book signing at Burns Feed Store!

Rick buying a book.

 Our cover girl, Mariah with the Author.

The Crew!
The models we hired to help attract customers.

                                Faelan giving Aunt Les flowers!

Pictures to go with Leslie's New Book!


 Christina helping start Rocket

 Karen and The Amazing Cougar Himself Esquire

Baby Dixon


Kathy and Samuel Jackson

Some videos of ground driving, beginning lessons and starting a horse to follow.